Contact & Opening hoursMike2025-03-13T13:35:21+01:00Getting in touch with the most magical store of Roermond, the Netherlands. Do you have a question, a comment, or just want to say hello? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Fill in the form and we will usually answer you within a few hours. 1 Step 1NAAMEMAILemailBETREFTpick one!MAAK EEN KEUZEPRODUCT VRAAGRETOURENACCOUNT VRAGENALGEMEENOPMERKINGEN0 / Privacy policyJa, ik heb de privacy policy gelezen en ben akkoord.VERZENDEN keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_rightKings & QueensStationsplein 1, 6041 GN Roermond, Netherlands+31 (0) 475 858 193hello@kingsqueens-store.comChamber of Commerce: 20116093VAT nr.: NL813426066B01NL82 RABO 0115 9603 33OpeningHoursTuesday till Friday: 9AM - 6PMSaturday: 9AM - 5PMSunday and Monday: Closed