Nimbus 2001

Nimbus 2001


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Nimbus 2001

Availability: Only 1 left in stock SKU: NN7535 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


Nimbus 2001. Beautiful replica of the broom from the Harry Potter stories. The 2001 Nimbus is produced by the Nimbus Racing Broom Company as part of their successful line of racing brooms. Released in August 1992, it was faster than its predecessor, the Nimbus 2000. It officially became the fastest broom there was until the launch of the Firebolt in 1993. The broom itself is black and silver with rotating handles. Despite the Firebolt being faster, the 2001 Nimbus is still used by most Quidditch teams around the world.

Additional information

Weight2400 g
Dimensions20 × 145 × 20 cm

Noble Collection

Product type


Product name

Nimbus 2001




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